NH365 070: The hidden truth about Alzheimer’s and dementia

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naturalhealth365 podcast(NaturalHealth365) More than 46 million people on the planet right now are losing their minds. In fact, Alzheimer’s disease plus many other forms of dementia are fast becoming the world’s biggest health problem.

Did you know that every three seconds – a new person is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or dementia? To make matters worse, families coping with late-stage dementia will face an average financial burden of $300,000.

Solutions for Alzheimer’s and dementia are available – right now

Instead of focusing on the negative news – put out by mainstream media outlets and drug companies – I want to share some really great information with you. Although conventional medicine seems convinced that there is ‘no cure for dementia’ – we know, scientifically speaking, – and based on real clinical results – that we CAN prevent and reverse the symptoms of Alzheimer’s and dementia.

It’s easier than most people think. Be sure to learn more at the Alzheimer’s and Dementia Summit.

Podcast program highlights:

  • Jonathan Landsman gets personal about why the Alzheimer’s and Dementia Summit was created and how it can help all of us
  • How Alzheimer’s is fast becoming the single biggest health problem in human history
  • Will conventional medicine ever cure dementia? (the answer may surprise you)
  • The biggest (unspoken) problem behind current medical research on brain disorders
  • How to naturally prevent and even REVERSE Alzheimer’s and dementia
  • Plus, much more!

How BIG a problem is Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia?

Did you know that Alzheimer’s is the sixth leading cause of death?  It kills more people than breast and prostate cancer combined and Western medicine fails to offer a solution.  But, in reality, it doesn’t have to be this way.

With simple lifestyle changes and other therapeutic programs, scientific research has shown that we can significantly reduce our risk of brain disorders; improve memory, concentration and overall wellbeing; and even reverse the progression of advanced cases of dementia – without harmful drugs or ineffective medical treatments.

Will conventional medicine ever find a cure for Alzheimer’s disease?

Probably not and I’ll tell you why.  Medical education doesn’t prepare a doctor to deal with the root cause of any disease.  For the most part, they’re merely trained to treat symptoms with pharmaceutical drugs.

Simply put: drugs don’t work … the ‘plaque theory’ is flawed … and they have no training in nutrition, herbal medicine, and, most importantly detoxification to improve brain health.  In fact, conventionally-trained medical doctors are even admitting this at medical conferences on brain health – ‘the current drug-centered approach will NEVER cure Alzheimer’s … it’s simply a waste of research money.’

How do I gain access to the Alzheimer’s and Dementia Summit?

Click here to reserve your FREE spot to the Alzheimer’s and Dementia Summit.  This online event offers 32 of the world’s top experts in brain health and integrative medicine.  And, best of all, you’ll discover how to prevent and REVERSE dementia – by watching this event – from the comfort of your home or favorite mobile device.

Again, this event is FREE to all participants and you don’t have to travel anywhere or pay expensive hotel fees.  You can listen (and watch) all the presentations – providing you have a good internet connection. (isn’t technology great?!)

More good news: Everyone who registers to view the Summit will receive three FREE gifts, including: Brain Defense: What to Do About Heavy Metal Toxicity, with Dr. Chris Shade; Stop Memory Loss: The Science Behind Healing, with Sayer Ji; and Depression Solutions: A Natural Way to Treat Depression and Other Mental Disorders, with yours truly, Jonathan Landsman and Dr. Andrew Saul

Help us spread the news about this lifesaving event by sharing this information with your friends and family.  Remember, it’s never too early to care for your brain health.

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