Parents sue their son’s school because Wi-Fi is making their child sick

Parents sue their son’s school because Wi-Fi is making their child sick
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(NaturalHealth365) Parents are suing their son’s private school in Southborough, Massachusetts, claiming that the schools wireless Internet network is making their 12-year-old sick.

The child’s parents are requesting that the school to switch to a hardwired Ethernet connection or that they lower the radio frequency (RF) radiation levels so that their son may go back to school in September. They are also seeking financial compensation.

Wireless radiation causing “electromagnetic hypersensitivity syndrome”

The parents have filed a 47-page lawsuit claiming that their son, identified as “G” in the lawsuit, suffers from electromagnetic hypersensitivity syndrome.  They contend that the radio frequency (RF) emissions from the schools new wireless network, installed in 2013, is stronger than was previously the case. They also claim that it has caused their son to have headaches, rashes, nosebleeds and nausea since then. The symptoms cease when their son leaves campus.

According to the lawsuit the new Aerohive Network doubled their prior emissions in classrooms. “Sometime after the above-described Wi-Fi system was installed, G started to experience occasional, troubling symptoms, which he reported to his parents when he came home from Fay at the end of the school day.”

In it’s defense the Fay School said that it had hired, “Isotrope, L.L.C, which specializes in measurement and analysis of radio communication signals and evaluation of emissions safety compliance. Isotrope’s assessment was completed in January 2015 and found that the combined levels of access point emissions, broadcast radio and television signals, and other RFE emissions on campus ‘were substantially less than one ten-thousandth (1/10,000th) of the applicable safety limits (federal and state.)”

Arguing that exposures fall within safety limits is a poor line of defense. The safety limits are completely outdated.

Current radiation safety standards are completely outdated

Existing U.S. standards for wireless/radio frequency exposures are 19 years old. They are based on the erroneous assumption that electromagnetic fields (EMFs) have no biological effects unless there’s a heating effect. Yet thousands of studies have disproven this myth time and time again.

A recent expert panel on the subject of cell phones & wireless stated, “this radiation may be ‘non-thermal’, but [it] has clear and indisputable biological and health effects … the exposure guidelines fail to protect about 97 percent of the population, most especially children.”

Even sources within the government are criticizing the standards. A 2012 U.S. Government Accountability Office report said that current standards “may not reflect the latest research” and “may not identify maximum exposure [to radiation] in all possible usage conditions.”

How to measure wireless radiation

Wireless radiation exposures from Wi-Fi and cell phones can be easily and cheaply measured with a radio frequency (RF) meter.

Over the last few years a new breed of RF meters have come onto the market making RF radiation measurement literally ‘child’s play’. An RF meter measures radiation emissions in the gigahertz frequency range. It’s specifically designed to measure ambient radiation exposures from devices such as Wi-Fi routers, cell towers, cordless phones and cell phones.

To measure wireless radiation, turn your meter on and walk slowly through your home, office or school to obtain readings. An RF meter will identify radiation hotspots you never even imagined existed in places where you spend most time. Click here for a review of an inexpensive RF meter that you can use to obtain RF readings in your home or your child’s school.

Why children absorb more microwave radiation than adults

A recent research paper, Why children absorb more microwave radiation than adults: The consequences has addressed this question specifically. The authors, L. Lloyd Morgan, Santosh Kesarib, and Devra Lee Davis explain how they used computers simulation based on MRI scans of children to model absorption of the type of radiation generated by wireless networks and found, “children absorb more MWR [microwave radiation] than adults because their brain tissues are more absorbent, their skulls are thinner and their relative size is smaller.”

Another problem is that the consequences of wireless and similar electromagnetic field exposures are not immediate, “the average latency time between first exposure and diagnosis of a tumor can be decades, tumors induced in children may not be diagnosed until well into adulthood … exposure can result in degeneration of the protective mylein sheath that surrounds brain neurons”.

In the absence of sufficiently protective standards, it’s your own responsibility to take the necessary steps to safeguard you and your family’s health.

About the author: Lloyd Burrell is the founder of His website offers solutions to the growing number of people whose health is being compromised by exposure to wireless and similar technologies. Download his free EMF Health Report today!


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