Health clinic closed after jabbing children with incorrect vaccines

Health clinic closed after jabbing children with incorrect vaccines
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(NaturalHealth365) It’s a shocking statistic and one the medical community wishes you didn’t know: preventable medical error is the third leading cause of death in the United States, trailing only heart disease and cancer. More than 1,000 people lose their lives – every day – due to medical mistakes. Add to that the 10,000 cases of serious complications medical mistakes cause every day, according to the University of Minnesota School of Nursing, and you have a crisis out of control.

And that crisis comes with a hefty price tag, in addition to the tragic loss of human life. In a hearing before a Congressional subcommittee in 2014, patient safety experts estimated the crisis is costing the nation about $1 trillion each year. While many of these tragedies occur with little publicity, the spotlight was recently turned on a New Jersey clinic when it was determined that nearly half a dozen children were given either incorrect or unknown immunizations in a Shots for Tots program. The clinic, which catered to the uninsured, has been shut down.

Future health unknown: What will happen to these kids?

In a state compliance audit of the clinic’s vaccination program, it was discovered that at least five children fell victim to medical errors when they received unintended vaccinations. The medical errors included two children who were injected with expired vaccines; one youngster who was given the flu mist dose – despite being under the recommended age; one two-year-old boy who was given the controversial Gardasil injection; and one child who was administered a vaccine that officials were unable to identify.

While the parents of the children were notified June 30th, the future health of the children remains uncertain. Of particular worry is the two-year-old boy who reportedly received an unusually high dose of the HPV vaccine. While health officials could not say for certain, they stated the child could suffer neurological damage due to the vaccine. The nurse who administered the immunization to the child has since been let go, although the clinic itself was suspended, pending further action by government officials.

Vaccinations leave room for devastating errors

In the audit of the New Jersey Clinic, county officials reviewed only 22 patient files in discovering the five children who were put in harm’s way. In addition, $20,000 worth of vaccines was found to be improperly stored. Although the drugs were promptly destroyed, the seriousness of the errors discovered begs the question as to how many additional children were administered improperly stored, outdated or incorrect vaccinations.

The free clinic was operated by the Salem County Health Department at Memorial Hospital of Salem County in Mannington Township, The county has agreed to pay for medical monitoring of the affected children for the foreseeable future. Had an annual audit not been conducted, the errors and improper vaccine storage would have continued unnoticed. The discovery in New Jersey heightens uncertainty as to how many similar situations for such medical errors exist across the country, but remain undetected.

Editor’s note: The Vaccine World Summit is the world’s first FREE online summit dedicated to vaccine safety news, infectious disease solutions and the latest advances in immune protective protocols. Click here to gain immediate access.


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