Follow Ryan’s healing adventure with stage 4 cancer

Follow Ryan’s healing adventure with stage 4 cancer
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(NaturalHealth365) Most people would consider a diagnosis of metastasized cancer to be one of the most frightening events to occur in a lifetime. Ryan Luelf was no exception. So, when the 35-year-old Tulsa father of three learned he had Stage 4 B-cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, it shook him to the core.

But rather than bet his life on the results of chemotherapy and radiation – which Ryan refers to as “false treatments that have not worked for a hundred years” – the former junk food lover has mapped out a cancer survival strategy that relies entirely on natural healing to wage a battle he fully intends to win.

Former fake-food junkie arms himself with natural remedies

Back before a string of horrific headaches, swollen lymph nodes and night sweats signaled the presence and aggressive nature of his lymphoma, Ryan says he followed a horrible diet throughout his 35 years. Noting that his favorite place to eat was the burger chain SmashBurger, Ryan says he existed on a steady diet of hamburgers and fries, hot dogs, cheese pizza, tacos, sweet tea, sugar and soda. “I was not a vegetable eater,” he recalls. “I was the pickiest eater you have ever seen in your life.”

But that was then. The lymphoma diagnosis spurred Ryan into action and he began to vigorously research the impact of a poor diet on overall health, something his wife had been urging even before his diagnosis. “I have radically changed my diet,” he admits.

Ryan has an extraordinary will to live for himself and his family

Today, Ryan is focused on giving his mind and body the best possible opportunity to become cancer free by following a strict, nutritious vegan diet, avoiding stress and incorporating the Gerson therapy into his natural healing regimen. The Gerson therapy is a natural treatment that activates the body’s astonishing ability to heal itself by utilizing an organic, plant-based diet, raw juices, coffee enemas and natural supplements.

The results thus far for turning his back on dangerous, ineffective treatments and embracing his body’s own abilities to heal can be found in shrinking tumors and significantly less swelling in his lymph nodes, all signs he believes indicate a slowing of the cancer’s advancement. His new lifestyle has also allowed him to mostly avoid the usual physical problems associated with conventional (toxic) treatment protocols such as, significant weight loss and horrible feelings of sickness brought on by chemotherapy and radiation.

A quest to rescue cancer patients from harmful, false treatments

Ryan is quick to point out that while his journey of natural healing from cancer is a very personal one, it truly isn’t just about him and his natural approach to cancer survival. Instead, he sees it as an important means of rescuing other cancer patients from the deadly harms and ineffectiveness of conventional treatments like chemotherapy and radiation.

“You don’t have to fear cancer. Cancer is just the nudge to the human being saying, ‘It’s time to change. You gotta quit feeding me fake food. You gotta quit working 100 hours a week. You gotta quit being so stressed with fear. You gotta have a revelation of grace, and relax and live life. You gotta start drinking water. You gotta stop putting poison into your body. You gotta stop, all right?’” he says. “It’s not a death sentence.”

Ryan and his wife have been struggling financially to support themselves and their three young children, with the burden of all the normal expenses incurred by a young family of five as well as the cost of Ryan’s treatments. Both he and his wife, Caroline, are on commission-based career paths and have needed to miss a great deal of work in order to concentrate on Ryan’s health.

Naturally, if you can’t help out financially, the family welcomes prayers for Ryan.

But, if possible, contributions to help support the family can be made at Ryan’s Gofundme page, “Ryan’s adventure with Cancer

Donations can also be sent directly to Ryan’s PayPal account. His PayPal email address is: [email protected]

No doubt, helping to relieve some of the financial stress for Ryan and his family will have a positive impact on his health. And, finally – if interested, fully tax-deductible donations can be made to Ryan’s cancer fund in care of:

Haling Grace Church
216 Luther Dr.
Broken Arrow, OK 74012

By the way, the church receives no money for this service to Ryan’s family and 100% of the proceeds given will go toward Ryan’s treatment costs.

Ryan is a man on a mission – with BIG dreams

Eventually seeing a book and movie created about his successful recovery from cancer, Ryan invites anyone wishing to learn more about his cancer journey or the treatment path he has decided to take by following him on Facebook: (click “follow” and “see first”)

“Get on the nutrition bandwagon,” he insists. “You don’t need to have cancer to start now. Take the initiative. Read, learn, educate yourself. You’ll feel better and let me tell you, I literally see myself being cancer-free. I envision the day that I make the video, I imagine the words that will be written on the post. I think about the responses, the celebration party and I am so honored and so blessed to be a pioneer, and to be the one standing up for the truth.”

Jonathan LandsmanAbout the author: Jonathan Landsman is the host of, the NaturalHealth365 Talk Hour – a free, weekly health show and the NaturalHealth365 INNER CIRCLE – a monthly subscription to the brightest minds in natural health and healing.

Reaching hundreds of thousands of people, worldwide, as a personal health consultant, writer and radio talk show host – Jonathan has been educating the public on the health benefits of an organic (non-GMO) diet along with high-quality supplementation and healthy lifestyle habits including exercise and meditation.


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