Promising evidence: How to REDUCE the threat of pesticides and Roundup toxicity

(NaturalHealth365) Natural health experts have long warned that exposure to glyphosate, the active ingredient in the weed killer Roundup, could be linked with soaring rates of chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes.
In addition, emerging research shows that glyphosate can, indeed, threaten our defense systems by decreasing levels of glutathione, the body’s premier antioxidant.
However, a natural solution does exist. Researchers report that vitamin C – when given in sufficiently quantities – can help to reverse glutathione depletion, and protect against the dangers of glyphosate.
Editor’s note: For over 20 years, the U.S. has sprayed billions of pounds of glyphosate onto our food supply. This won’t change – any time soon – but, the main point here is we have a way to minimize the risk. It all boils down to the choices we make in life.
Scientists pull no punches: Roundup and other pesticides present a HIGH risk to human health
In a study published in the scientific journal Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, researchers investigated the effect of glyphosate exposure on the antioxidant system – and evaluated the ability of antioxidant vitamins such as vitamin C and E to mitigate the damage.
The team concluded that glyphosate, as found in in the Monsanto product Roundup, poses a health risk to humans, inducing “significant changes” in cellular antioxidant status by depleting glutathione.
This causes the peroxidation of lipids (meaning: the damaging oxidation of fats) to increase substantially – causing significant antioxidant impairment in epidermal cells.
And, just to be clear: epidermal cells help to protect against the invasion of bacteria and foreign particles, as well as regulating amounts of water released from the body.
The researchers reported that supplementation with vitamin C and E increased levels of glutathione and superoxide dismutase (another key antioxidant) – thereby reducing oxidative damage in the keratin-producing cells of the epidermis.
The team concluded that the vitamins might have “preventive effects” against deleterious skin cell damage caused by glyphosate.
Additional studies show: Vitamin C is effective against other toxic pesticides
Vitamin C’s protective powers extend to other synthetic chemical pesticides as well.
In a study published in Food and Chemical Toxicology, researchers found that 200 mg per kg of body weight of vitamin C – given 30 minutes before exposure – protected mice against oxidative stress induced by imidacloprid, a neonicotinoid insecticide.
Like glyphosate, imidacloprid reduces the disease-fighting activities of glutathione and superoxide dismutase.
The team concluded that vitamin C can protect against harm caused by imidacloprid by decreasing the oxidation of fats and boosting antioxidant defense systems in the liver.
Interestingly, the investigators found that the protective effect of vitamin C was stronger when it was given before administration of imidacloprid – as opposed to being given after exposure had occurred.
In yet another study, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) mitigated the toxicity of fenvalerate – a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide – to fish.
Alert: Glyphosate is linked to endocrine disruption and cancer
Glyphosate, a broad-spectrum, non-selective, systemic herbicide, is widely used on food crops – as well as on residential lawns, gardens and public parks.
And, despite Monsanto’s assurances that the product is “safe,” extensive studies show that glyphosate is associated with a litany of harms.
In a review of research published by the non-profit environmental group Beyond Pesticides, author Terry Shistar, Ph.D., reported that glyphosate and its formulated products (in a word: Roundup) can adversely affect fetal development.
In addition, glyphosate can cause endocrine disruption and damage DNA.
The pesticide has been linked to various cancers – non-Hodgkins lymphoma in particular – and the International Agency for Research on Cancer has officially classified glyphosate as a “probable carcinogen.”
Alarmingly, recent studies reveal that glyphosate destroys beneficial gut bacteria, including Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus. These “friendly” bacteria play an indispensable role in human health, helping to absorb nutrients, produce fatty acids and vitamins, synthesize amino acids, neutralize toxins, boost immunity and prevent infection.
Imbalance in gut bacteria, a condition known as dybiosis, is associated with such serious conditions as diabetes, obesity, autoimmune disease, food allergies and cancer.
Renowned vitamin C pioneer credits high-dose vitamin C with lifesaving protective effects against toxins
Of course, forward-thinking researchers and physicians – including Nobel Prize-winning scientist Dr. Linus Pauling and noted physician Dr. Frederick R. Klenner – have long known of the therapeutic abilities of vitamin C.
The late Dr. Klenner, an early (and dedicated) proponent of high-dosage intravenous vitamin C, left behind 27 different medical papers – which he started to create in the 1940’s.
In these documents, Dr. Klenner details the near-miraculous effects of high-dose intravenous vitamin C against an astonishing range of potentially life-threatening conditions – including polio, hepatitis, barbiturate overdose, carbon monoxide poisoning and even venomous snakebite.
As Dr. Klenner stressed again and again: the amount of vitamin C used is the all-important factor. In fact, megadoses of this non-toxic nutrient – in some cases 30 to 50 grams a day – are critical in terms of response.
But, does Dr. Klenner expound on vitamin C’s specific effects against pesticides?
As a matter of fact, he does – and the evidence can be seen in his reporting on the case of two boys who had been accidentally sprayed with pesticide. According to Dr. Klenner’s records, one child received 10g (that’s 10,000 mg) of vitamin C – every eight hours – and was able to return home on the second day.
Unfortunately, the other boy – who displayed a serious chemical burn on his skin – was given only fluids. Tragically, the child died on the fifth day after the incident.
The next step for every health clinic that cares for its patients
According to Dr. Klenner, all emergency rooms should be adequately stocked with supplies of this lifesaving nutrient.
As a matter of fact: cigarette smokers and those exposed to poisonous products like Roundup (in other words: virtually everyone in the modern world) should be taking supplementary vitamin C as a matter of course.
Thankfully, a growing number of natural health clinics are offering high-dose intravenous vitamin C therapy. If you are interested in using high-dose vitamin C to counteract the noxious effects of pesticides – or to treat any other serious health issue – seek guidance from an experienced integrative physician to determine what’s best for you.
To sum up, Monsanto continues to insist its products are ‘safe.’ But, in reality, we all know that synthetic chemicals pose a grave danger to human and environmental health.
But, without a doubt, the papers of Dr. Klenner serve as a blueprint for a plan of recovery from exposure to Roundup and other toxic substances. Hopefully, the powers-that-be will listen. But, if not, we should still take action to protect ourselves.
Eat organic food, avoid the use of toxic chemicals in and around your home and take vitamin C – every day.
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