How to boost your immune system and fight cancer with spirulina

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spirulina-boosts-immune-function(NaturalHealth365)  Spirulina is in a class all its own when it comes to superfoods.  Spirulina is a blue-green alga that contains a potent mix of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, essential amino acids, and concentrated protein.

It helps support immune function, helps prevent cancer and cellular damage, and offers a myriad of other benefits.  In fact, it is so good for you, a human being could consume just spirulina (along with clean water) and not just survive, but thrive.

Here’s a great way to boost immune function and ward off infections

Spirulina is loaded with antioxidants that reduce free radical damage.  Less free radical damage means a decreased risk of heart disease, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and cancer.

Don’t forget:  Free radical damage is one of the biggest precursors to cancer – so eating spirulina regularly can help prevent many cancer types.  Its antimicrobial properties also help ward off a range of viruses and harmful bacteria, from influenza A, measles, and mumps to herpes and HIV-1.

Reduce your risk of radiation toxicity

Did you know that spirulina was awarded a patent in Russia in 1994 as a medical food to reduce allergic reactions from radiation sickness?  It literally expels radiation from the body while preventing radiation side effects, adding to its ability to help prevent cancer.

Some of the other key features and health benefits of spirulina include:

Vitamins and minerals.  Spirulina is loaded with calcium, magnesium, and phosphorous.  It’s also rich in vitamin K, iodine, selenium, potassium, manganese, and zinc.

Spirulina is also well known for its phytopigments content, including chlorophyll, phycocyanin, and carotenoids (a vitamin A precursor).  It’s also rich in vitamin E and a number of B vitamins (B1, B2, and B6), which can help offset the effects of stress.  Other key nutrients include iron, chromium, and copper.

Provides potent, easily digestible protein.  The protein content of spirulina is a whopping 60 percent – a full 33 percent more protein than most meats.  It is also easier to digest due to the absence of cellulose walls.

Healthy fatty acids.  It’s an excellent source of the fatty acid GLA (gamma-linolenic acid, crucial for heart health) as well as one of the highest concentrations of omega-6 fatty acid.  It also contains sulfolipids, which support T-cell (immune system) health.

Better brain chemistry.  An abundance of essential amino acids helps spirulina optimize neurotransmitter functioning and balance brain chemistry.

Improved digestion.  Spirulina is an alkalizing food containing around 2,000 enzymes that aid in digestion.  As a result, it has a suppressant effect on harmful bacteria like E. coli and candida while stimulating beneficial gut flora.

Additional health benefits of spirulina include:

  • Liver function support
  • Cardiovascular health
  • Better tooth and gum health
  • Regulates blood sugar
  • Controls cravings and appetite

The health benefits of spirulina are varied and abundant, with its ability to boost immune system function and prevent cancer among the most impressive.  As for consumption, organic spirulina is best since some brands can contain additives and heavy metals.  One to two tablespoons per day is ideal, but higher amounts can be consumed if fighting an illness.

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