NH365 053: Healing cancer – Your guide to optimal health

Healing Cancer
In our quest to provide you with the best information we can on obtaining optimal health. Recovering from and healing cancer is one of the most important issues we should all concern ourselves with today. Read on for this incredible guide!
(NaturalHealth365) Today, as a society, we are faced with the sobering reality that nearly 1 in every 2 people will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. This shocking statistic illustrates the flawed thinking of Western medicine and conventional cancer research. The bottom line: We will never cure cancer with toxic chemotherapy agents or cancer-causing radiation sessions.
Understanding this one point could literally save your life: Conventional cancer protocols never included discovering the true cause of cancer and will never stop the activity of cancer stem cells – which is the key component to successfully overcome a cancer diagnosis.
Today, on the NaturalHealth365 Podcast, I will introduce you to a woman that cured herself of two different forms of cancer without the need for toxic pharmaceutical substances or life-threatening medical procedures.
The bottom line, most people are NOT being told the truth about what causes cancer or how to overcome this dreaded disease. Holistically-minded physicians are routinely being threatened by their medical boards – because non-conventional thinking upsets their current medical business model.
But, as more and more people wake up to the reality that cancer is merely an immune system issue and there are things we can do to naturally fix the problem – we see that modern medicine has no choice but to deal with this growing number of educated patients or risk becoming obsolete as a profession.
Links related to the show:
For more information about Brenda Cobb – visit: LivingFoodsInstitute.com
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Program highlights:
- How diet actually triggers cancer inside the body
- The most important ‘first step’ in healing from a cancer diagnosis
- Best herbs to help overcome cancer
- Can essential oils really improve outcomes for cancer patients?
- Holistic therapies that dramatically improve your results
- The best anticancer foods to eat
- Beyond diet and lifestyle changes: Discover the ‘one thing’ that can hold back a person from healing cancer
Who is Brenda Cobb?
Brenda Cobb, Founder and Director of The Living Foods Institute, overcame breast and cervical cancer without the use of chemotherapy, radiation or surgery by following the simple principles that are taught in her Healthy Lifestyle Programs today.
She eliminated all allergies, migraine and sinus headaches, acid reflux, indigestion, heartburn, rheumatoid arthritis, age and liver spots, and gray hair. Her eyesight even improved!
She is completely healthy and looks and feels many years younger than her actual age. Brenda now devotes her life to educating and helping others.
Brenda earns the respect of an entire community.
Brenda was awarded an Honorary Cultural Doctorate in Therapeutic Philosophy from the World University in September 2003 for her work in helping people heal from diseases that the medical community thought were terminal, incurable and hopeless.
Mayor Shirley Franklin, former Atlanta, Georgia mayor, awarded Brenda the Prestigious Phoenix Award in November 2003 with the Proclamation “On behalf of the people of Atlanta, I commend Brenda Cobb, Founder of The Living Foods Institute for promoting healthy eating and healthy living. The City of Atlanta Recognizes the importance of incorporating enzyme-rich organic Living Foods into the diets of its citizens and also, the healing it brings to the body, mind and spirit. The City of Atlanta takes pride in your efforts to raise awareness in our community.”
To learn more about the Living Foods Educational Center and Therapy Spa – visit: LivingFoodsInstitute.com or call 404-524-4488.