Elevated insulin levels trigger more aggressive and metastatic cancers

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high-insulin-levels(NaturalHealth365)  Elevated insulin and diabetes are more common than ever in the United States.  In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 37.3 million people (11.3% of the US population) are afflicted with diabetes.

Prediabetes symptoms, including elevated insulin levels, affect a staggering 96 million Americans, and this number will likely increase over the coming years.  On top of that, research is finding another issue related to high blood sugar: an increased risk of cancer, including the most aggressive and metastatic forms.

How too much sugar triggers adverse health effects in the body

Insulin is a necessary hormone for human health.  Its job is to remove glucose (sugar) from the blood and store it within the cells.  Glucose can then be converted into energy, but any excess is stored as fat.

High insulin levels trigger excess fat storage.  More fat stored in the body means more cytokines are produced, which then generate inflammation in the body.  Inflammation is one of the hallmarks and precursors of cancer.  Excess insulin also contributes to metabolic syndrome and a higher risk of degenerative diseases.

Research finds most cancers spread with high sugar and insulin levels

Science is now showing that elevated blood sugar contributes to an increased risk of some of the most aggressive forms of cancer.  For example, the most common kind of breast cancer is increased by up to 41 percent in those who consume a high sugar, high carbohydrate diet – the typical American diet.

A study of mice with colon cancer illustrates the point.  In the study, half of the mice were fed a high-calorie diet and half a normal diet.  In the high-calorie group, tumors were found to grow twice as large as the normal diet group in only 17 days.

Research with humans has confirmed the role of insulin in cancer growth.  And likewise, many of the most common forms of cancer are increased by higher blood glucose levels; for instance, prostate cancer is over 2.5 times higher in men with high blood insulin levels.  The risk of stomach, colorectal, liver, and reproductive cancers is also increased by a diet that is high in carbohydrates and sugars.

What created this epidemic rate of elevated insulin levels?

The typical unhealthy American diet is largely to blame.  Processed foods made with refined carbohydrates and simple sugars are the leading cause of the diabetes and obesity epidemic in America.  According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) report of 2021, the rate of obesity in the United States between 2017 and March 2020 was 41.9%.  Being obese or overweight increases the risk of prediabetes, diabetes, cancer, and many other degenerative conditions.

Taking natural supplements can help support healthy blood insulin levels.  Some of the best nutritional supplements include fish oil, alpha lipoic acid, resveratrol, and green tea extract.  However, to reduce the effects of elevated blood glucose and insulin levels, dietary changes are crucial.  Avoiding sugars and carbohydrates in favor of lots of organic vegetables and clean protein is a step in the right direction.

And, of course, if you’re suffering from diabetes or any other serious health problem – always work with a qualified medical professional that you can trust.

To learn more about how to stop cancer naturally, own the Stop Cancer Docu-Class, hosted by Jonathan Landsman, an online educational program featuring many of the finest integrative cancer specialists in the world.

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