13 health benefits of blueberries that can’t be ignored

13 health benefits of blueberries that can’t be ignored

(NaturalHealth365) As our population continues to age and the rates of dementia soar, the benefits of blueberries take on a much more significant meaning. We, at NaturalHealth365, only wish that more doctors would embrace the healing power of this amazing fruit.

Think about this: By 2050, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) expects the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease to nearly triple, from its current rate of 5.5 million. Clearly, the brain is crying out for help.

Recent studies have highlighted the potential of compounds from blueberries to prevent and treat neurodegenerative diseases and age-related cognitive deficits – but the benefits of blueberries aren’t limited to the brain. Researchers say that this superfood has the ability to help alleviate over a dozen serious health problems – in fact, it is difficult to think of a body system or condition that blueberries don’t improve.

The benefits of blueberries begin inside the mouth

In a 2015 study published in Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, researchers discovered that a blueberry extract had antibacterial effects against Fusobacterium nucleatum, a microorganism associated with periodontitis.

The blueberry extract inhibited the formation of persistent bacterial biofilms – while reducing the secretion of pro-inflammatory molecules such as interleukin-6.

Blueberries help regulate blood pressure

Blueberries have the ability to relax blood vessels and contribute to the flexibility of arteries, thereby lowering blood pressure. In one study, researchers found that people with the highest regular intake of blueberries had an 8 percent lower risk of developing hypertension.

One animal study showed that blueberries lowered systolic blood pressure by up to 30 percent – even in the presence of a diet very high in fat.

Amazing, but true: Blueberries help to prolong the quality of your life

How about delaying aging and promoting longevity as a benefit?

Researchers found that blueberries modulated genes involved with aging and caused C. elegans – a type of roundworm often used in longevity research – to live 28 percent longer, with maximum life span increasing by 14 percent. (In humans, this could translate to a gain of 20 years!)

By improving tolerance to environmental stress and helping to promote resistance to degenerative diseases, blueberries also showed off their adaptogenic qualities.

Blueberries demonstrate lifesaving cardiovascular benefits

Blueberries fight heart disease by lowering levels of LDL cholesterol, which can contribute to plaque buildup in the arteries. One study showed particularly substantial reductions (34 percent) in LDL cholesterol, along with a desirable 40 percent rise in beneficial HDL.

In addition, blueberry extracts were shown to reduce damage after heart attack and improve survival rates. They also reduced triglycerides, or fats, by an impressive 50 percent, and slashed levels of the pro-inflammatory amino acid homocysteine.

Blueberries offer a powerful dose of antioxidants

With stellar scores on the ORAC scale – a measure of antioxidant capacity – blueberries are high in constituents that scavenge harmful free radicals and prevent oxidative damage.

In addition to providing a slew of antioxidant anthocyanins (natural plant pigments) of their own, blueberries promote the production and function of superoxide dismutase and catalase – two of the body’s most important antioxidant enzymes.

And, although fresh cultivated blueberries outscored all other tested fruits and vegetables, their antioxidant capability doesn’t equal that of wild blueberries, which had the highest scores of all.

Blueberries, by nature, are anticancer

Blueberries are rich in pterostilbene – a cancer-fighting compound closely related to resveratrol – and combat cancer by a multitude of actions. They help prevent DNA damage – thereby warding off potentially cancer-causing mutations – while reducing the growth rate of cancerous cells and promoting apoptosis, or programmed cell suicide, in malignant cells.

Recent research has shown that blueberry extracts can suppress MMPs, or matrix metalloproteinases – destructive enzymes that promote the invasion and migration of cancer.

In addition, they boost the activity of natural killer cells, which target and destroy pathogens and cells showing malignant changes.

Blueberries reduce fat and help prevent weight gain

Blueberries have been shown to decrease body fat – particularly in the abdominal area, where it poses the greatest risk of cardiovascular disease. In several studies, animals fed blueberry extracts while on a high-fat diet had lower overall weight gain and smaller accumulations of body fat than control animals.

Researchers say that blueberry extracts have shown the ability to help prevent metabolic syndrome, a cluster of unhealthy conditions that usually includes obesity. By promoting sugar intake into muscle cells, blueberry extracts encourage the conversion of sugar into energy, rather than stored fat.

Blueberries are anti-diabetic

Blueberry extracts improve glucose transport into cells, which helps lower blood sugar, prevent after-meal glucose spikes and reduce insulin resistance.

In one human study, obese subjects with insulin resistance who were given blueberry smoothies twice a day for six weeks improved their insulin sensitivity by fourfold, and experienced better blood sugar control.

Blueberries improve mobility in the elderly

Believe it or not, blueberries can help older people get around.

A study published in Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism showed that two cups of blueberries a day for six weeks caused significant improvements in the movement and mobility of elderly people, with increased walking speed, fewer step errors and better foot placement.

By reducing risk of falls and promoting mobility, blueberries help improve quality of life and preserve health.

Blueberries refresh, rejuvenate and repair the skin

Blueberries even provide beauty benefits. In several studies, blueberry extracts helped to restore skin thickness and firmness, promoted a smoother, more radiant appearance, and reduced fine lines and wrinkles.

Blueberries promote bone health

Blueberries can support the production and maintenance of strong, dense bones. By helping to create more active bone-reproducing cells, blueberry extracts can reduce post-menopausal bone loss and make bones more resistant to fracture.

Blueberries protect the eyes from degenerative disease

Blueberries can reduce damage to the eyes from ultraviolet light, improve cell survival and help to ward off macular degeneration.

Blueberries improve cognitive function

In extensive studies, blueberry extracts have been found to slow age-related damage to brain cells, protect memory-associated brain regions from oxidative damage, and improve overall cognitive function.

Researchers have found that blueberry extracts’ ability to enhance blood flow to the brain can caused marked increases in brain activity and improvements in working memory.

In addition, blueberry polyphenols can reduce the deposits of harmful beta amyloid proteins associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

How do I put blueberries to work for me?

Although some studies were conducted using blueberry juice or fresh, frozen or powdered berries, most used blueberry extracts as an inexpensive and effective way to obtain maximum blueberry benefits.

Of course, you can always blend fresh organic berries into smoothies, sprinkle berries in salads, add them to pancakes or nibble them out of hand as a snack.

Remember: wild blueberries are even more beneficial than their domestic counterparts.

If you are fortunate enough to live in an area of the country where blueberries grow wild, you can harvest a veritable bonanza of health-giving berries when in season. If this isn’t possible or practical, you can purchase frozen, dried or powdered wild blueberries.

Blueberries provide such a wealth of benefits that they can seem “almost too good to be true.” But, rest assured – cell, laboratory, animal and human studies are showing the extraordinary physical and mental benefits of these luscious little fruits.

Exploit their health-giving potential to the fullest, and enjoy a bowl or three.

Editor’s note: The NaturalHealth365 Store offers the finest quality blueberry powder and tea on the market.  Click here to order today!*

*And, yes, your purchases help to support our operations at NaturalHealth365.

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