PMS solutions – Balancing hormones in 5 steps

(NaturalHealth365) Three out of every four women of childbearing age suffer from premenstrual syndrome (PMS) in some form or another. Approximately 3 to 8 percent of them will experience symptoms so severe, it will destroy their day-to-day routine. But there are steps women can take to naturally lessen the impact of PMS without drugs or invasive treatments, according to Dr. Andrea Maxim.
Eliminate PMS symptoms quickly and naturally. On the next NaturalHealth365 Talk Hour, Jonathan Landsman and Dr. Andrea Maxim will detail the primary causes of PMS – pinpointing what leads to monthly symptoms – plus, offer an easy-to-follow 5-step plan – designed to balance hormones and eliminate PMS pain. Join us for an amazing show – filled with practical advice about how to stop PMS in the best way possible.
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Understanding PMS: Discover an effective way to regain hormonal balance
PMS is a term used to describe a broad range of period-related symptoms that are severe and recurrent, occurring from several days to as much as two weeks before your period. While over 150 physical and emotional symptoms are associated with PMS, the most common symptoms are irritability, anxiety, bloating, mood swings, depression, appetite changes, fatigue, water retention and breast tenderness.
Women frequently report that symptoms worsen with age or stressful times. By the way, technically speaking, mild menstrual cramps are not considered a PMS symptom, but PMS sufferers may experience cramps.
Here’s an important point: The symptoms of PMS are NOT inevitable. Changes in diet, natural techniques for stress reduction and other simple lifestyle adjustments will help to relieve PMS symptoms and achieve hormonal balance. One of the most overlooked ways to regain hormonal balance is through the improvement of relationships – after all, good relationships (love) automatically will reduce stress in your life. (a major trigger of PMS symptoms)
Reduce the physical and emotional toll of monthly periods and take back control of your health. Join us for the next NaturalHealth365 Talk Hour with Jonathan Landsman and Dr. Andrea Maxim, one of southern Ontario’s leading naturopathic doctors. Find out what role diet can play in hormonal balance. (Hint: Sugar is bad) Discover how herbs, like dandelion root, can help to relieve PMS symptoms. Plus, a valuable discussion about how relationships can influence a woman’s monthly cycle. (this show is a MUST for every man to hear).
Simply sign up now for access to our free, weekly show by entering your email address and you’ll receive show times plus FREE gifts!
3 ways to fix hormonal imbalances
As a naturopathic physician, Dr. Maxim emphasizes the fact that each person should be treated as an individual – no two people are exactly alike. But, there are some basic concepts to keep in mind:
Number one: Nourish and support the adrenals. Also known as the ‘stress glands,’ the adrenals play a critical role in overall hormone balance. They affect the thyroid and greatly impact reproductive hormones. Bottom line, the more stress you experience, the greater the risk of adrenal fatigue.
Number two: Treat the thyroid. Nearly all women concerned over hormonal imbalance will have underactive thyroid to some degree or another. Unfortunately, a poor diet – low in minerals and loaded with toxins like, fluoride in drinking water will add high levels of stress to the thyroid gland. That’s why lifestyle changes are a must, in order to effectively eliminate PMS symptoms.
Number three: Treat the reproductive organs. While the adrenals are the most important component of treating hormonal imbalance, the ovaries are also one of three primary organ systems known to impact hormonal balance.
The good news is that there are natural ways to bring your hormones back into balance, affecting not only the symptoms of PMS but a number of other components of your health. No matter how much you feel you have been suffering with conditions like PMS, given the right information, you can take back control of your life.
Join us for a program that will show you how to overcome PMS symptoms naturally, without the need for toxic drugs or risky medical procedures.
This week’s guest: Dr. Andrea Maxim, Naturopath and women’s health expert
Discover the real causes of PMS and how to correct hormonal imbalances naturally – Sun. March 27
Dr. Andrea Maxim is one of southern Ontario’s leading naturopathic doctors. She is the creator of The Maxim Movement, an approach to health and wellness that helps people move toward MAXIMizing their digestion, MAXIMizing their hormones, MAXIMizing their weight loss and MAXIMizing their health.
Addressing what she describes as the foundational needs of the body, Dr. Maxim utilizes a step-wise program of removing triggers – food sensitivities, heavy metals, stress, environmental toxins, detoxifying the body, and then flooding the body with nutrients to get it functioning and healing properly. Dr. Maxim graduated from McMaster University, completing an Honors Degree in biology and pharmacology. She completed her degree as a licensed naturopath in Ontario from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine.
About the author: Jonathan Landsman is the host of, the NaturalHealth365 Talk Hour – a free, weekly health show and the NaturalHealth365 INNER CIRCLE – a monthly subscription to the brightest minds in natural health and healing.
Reaching hundreds of thousands of people, worldwide, as a personal health consultant, writer and radio talk show host – Jonathan has been educating the public on the health benefits of an organic (non-GMO) diet along with high-quality supplementation and healthy lifestyle habits including exercise and meditation.