NH365 058: Defeating depression – How food affects your thoughts and emotions

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naturalhealth365 podcast(NaturalHealth365) Globally speaking, depression affects about 350 million people and can cause a wide variety of serious health problems including cancer. But, the most disturbing aspect of this condition is the way that conventional medicine handles the situation. At a quick glance, talking about problems and prescribing medications may seem reasonable but never address the underlying cause of depression.

Bottom line: If you’re suffering with anxiety, sleep disorders connected to emotional upset and obsessive thoughts or any other mood swings that limit your ability to enjoy life – this program will provide real solutions you can immediately use in your life.


Today, on the NaturalHealth365 Podcast, I’ll introduce you to Jo Rushton, a two time #1 Amazon Best Selling author, Founder of the Energy Coaching Institute and My Life Delicious. Jo speaks internationally on a wide variety of health topics and is a qualified celebrity chef – focused on high performance nutrition.

A leading expert featured on both Healthy ME and 4ME free to air television produced by Brand New Media in Australia, Jo also has a private practice, working with individuals, families and corporations, leading the way in preventative and corrective health, committed to empowering individuals to transform their way of thinking; improve personal health; achieve personal goals and to make a difference in their daily life.

Links related to the show:

Click here to purchase the Overcoming Depression and Anxiety Summit

Here’s what you will discover:

  • Specific foods, recipes and meal plans to reduce anxiety
  • Specific supplements to support my mood and improve brain function
  • Techniques to enhance the quality of my sleep & balance the rhythms of my body for improved rest and recovery
  • Tools to improve my digestion, metabolism and hormonal balance
  • Movements and exercises to reduce anxiety and lift my mood
  • Simple daily rituals to reduce my risk of depression and anxiety
  • How to protect myself and my family from EMF stress at home and at work
  • Methods that will improve my relationship to myself and others

Click here to order today!

Summit registration is FREE and you’ll receive these great gifts!

Gift #1: “The Last 4 Doctors” (You’ll Ever Need) – eBook by Paul Chek, internationally-renowned expert in the fields of corrective and high-performance exercise kinesiology


  • Meet your 4 Drs – Dr. Diet, Dr. Quiet, Dr. Movement and Dr. Happiness
  • Learn to work with your 4 Doctors to balance your body, mind and spirit
  • Filled with audio and video lessons

Gift #2: “Unseen Forces” – eBook by Brent Phillips, was a successful MIT-trained engineer who experienced a miracle when his arm (immobile and frozen at the elbow after a surgery) healed in an instant after a single session of energy healing!


  • Learn why 99% of people fail with the law of attraction alone
  • Discover the unseen forces that rule our lives and sabotage our personal power through negative thoughts
  • Learn how to reprogram your subconscious mind and take back control

Gift #3: A webinar presentation on MTHFR by Carolny Ledowsky, a Naturopath, Herbalist and Nutritionist


  • How MTHFR affects anxiety and depression
  • What steps you can take to help reduce these affects

Meet our special guest, Jo Rushton

jo-rushtonJoanna Rushton is the host of the “Overcoming Depression and Anxiety Summit”, 2-time #1 Amazon Best Selling author, Founder of the Energy Coaching Institute and My Life Delicious. Jo is a Faculty Member of the CHEK Institute and teaches Holistic Lifestyle Coaching (HLC) Levels 1 and 2 across Australia, New Zealand, the USA and Canada.

She speaks internationally on health, nutrition, wellness and lifestyle. She’s a qualified celebrity chef who focuses on high performance nutrition. Jo is a leading expert featured on both Healthy ME and 4ME free to air television produced by Brand New Media in Australia.

In addition, Jo heads a multi-disciplinary private practice, working with individuals, families and corporations, leading the way in preventative and corrective health, committed to empowering individuals to transform their way of thinking; improve personal health; achieve personal goals and make a difference in their daily life and the lives of those they touch

Editor’s note: I instantly connected with Jo and although we don’t know each other that long – I admire her passion and dedication to helping others live a more productive (happy) life.

If you know someone suffering with depression or anxiety – tell them that solutions are available right now.  Gain INSTANT access to the “Overcoming Depression and Anxiety Summit” – order today!

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