Classic symptom of scurvy is inflamed, swollen and bleeding gums

(NaturalHealth365) Scurvy is an illness that is brought on by vitamin C deficiency. This condition is most commonly associated with early sailors who went on long sea voyages and didn’t get sufficient amounts of this important nutrient.
Centuries ago, the only option for vitamin C was from fruits and vegetables, and sailors were not able to take enough of these provisions to last on their longer journeys. Many of the sailors affected by scurvy died from the condition.
Avoid scurvy: Problems with gum health should not be ignored
While modern scurvy cases are quite rare, vitamin C deficiency is still the biggest risk factor. The symptoms of scurvy include anemia, exhaustion, debility, edema (swelling), inflammation of the gums, and tooth loss.
While vitamin C deficiency is potentially dangerous to all people and can lead to a range of health problems, a lack of vitamin C is particularly dangerous to an unborn fetus in a pregnant mother. It can impair brain development and impede the child from getting a healthy start in life.
Issues with the mouth and gums are among the biggest indicators of the problem of vitamin C deficiency and one of the telltale symptoms of scurvy. Fortunately, these issues can be easily addressed with vitamin C supplementation.
Vitamin C must be obtained through outside sources
Vitamin C is crucial to numerous processes in the body including collagen production and the absorption of iron. However, humans are not able to synthesize vitamin C naturally within the body. Because of this, vitamin C must be obtained from food sources like fruits, vegetables and high-quality, vitamin C supplements.
Again, cases of scurvy today are quite rare, but some groups are still at risk for the disease. Among them are persons prone to malnutrition, such as alcoholics, low income demographics, and the elderly.
The early symptoms of scurvy include a loss of appetite, weight loss, fever, rapid breathing, diarrhea, irritability, swelling, tenderness, discomfort, feelings of paralysis, and bleeding. Later symptoms of scurvy include persistent bleeding gums, loose teeth, hemorrhaging of the mucous membranes, skin and eyes, and a breakdown of the joint cartilage and connective tissue.
Time for a solution: A daily vitamin C supplement is the antidote to vitamin C deficiency
The main treatment for scurvy is the administering of high doses of concentrated vitamin C either via injection or taken orally. The patient should also eat more food sources of vitamin C regularly including citrus fruits, pineapple, strawberries, kiwi, and bell peppers. Other fruits and vegetables with high amounts of vitamin C include papaya, guava, currants, tomatoes, carrots, broccoli, spinach, and cabbage.
In addition, a daily vitamin C supplement can offer exponential health benefits, including optimal tissue growth and immune system functioning. Ideal daily dosage can start at between 500 to 1,000 mg per day – for healthy people. Of course, higher doses of vitamin C may be required for anyone suffering with chronic health issues.
Editor’s note: The NaturalHealth365 Store offers the finest quality, vitamin C supplements on the market. Click here to order today.