NH365 054: Sprouts – A healthy way to avoid toxic food and disease

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naturalhealth365 podcast(NaturalHealth365) Conventional farming practices destroy the soil by producing massive amounts of one heavily-processed (denatured) food crop – which requires a ton of unwanted pesticides and herbicides to grow. And, let’s not forget the devastating effect of growing this toxic food on our environment

The use of GMOs, Monsanto’s toxic creation – Roundup – a highly toxic herbicide known to cause food allergies, reproductive issues and even cancerous tumors plus all the factory-farmed animals pumped with synthetic hormones and antibiotics pose serious consequences to human health.

Don’t let corporate greed destroy your health

Fortunately, on an individual level, there is a simple solution to many of these dangerous health issues. It’s called ‘consumer choice.’ As I’ve often said, don’t ever underestimate the power of choice to change the world we live in. We can see a dramatic improvement in the quality of our lives by simply making healthier decisions about the food we eat.

Today, on the NaturalHealth365 Podcast, in honor of my good friend Sproutman Steve Meyerowitz – who we tragically loss to a car accident on Sept. 9th, 2015, I want to focus our attention on one of the healthiest foods to eat – sprouts. By simply incorporating this healthy food into your diet – you can reduce your risk of disease and feel great!

Links related to the show:

For more information about Susan Smith Jones, PhD – visit: SusanSmithJones.com

Grow your own (delicious) organic food – at home – for pennies per pound and without soil or land. Learn more at Sproutman.com

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Program highlights:

  • Why thousands of people are becoming inspired to sprout at home.
  • The surprising health benefits of eating small amounts of sprouts – every day.
  • Discover how to save money and boost immune function by starting a sprout garden in your home.
  • Get some delicious sprout recipe ideas
  • And, finally, the best place to purchase all your sprouting supplies.

Who is Dr. Susan Smith Jones?

Known in America as The Sprout Lady and The Nature Girl, Dr. Susan has been a guest on more than 2,000 radio and TV talk shows worldwide – enthusiastically teaching others how to create vibrant health. Susan reminds everyone “… health comes from the farm, not the pharmacy.”

Susan is a shining example that living closer to nature really works. Susan hasn’t been sick in over 30 years. She has authored over 2,500 magazine articles and 25 books (including Walking on Air: Your 30-Day Inside and Out Rejuvenation Makeover as well as The Joy Factor, The Curative Kitchen, and a full color recipe book entitled Recipes for Health Bliss). As the founder and president of Health Unlimited, a Los Angeles-based consulting firm, Susan is dedicated to holistic wellness education.

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