Travel warnings – The best way to protect your health

(NaturalHealth365) Planning to hit the road – or travel by airplane? Well, it’s fair to say, you’ll have plenty of company and reasons to be concerned about your health.
According to the U.S. Travel Association, 1.7 billion people traveled for leisure purposes in 2015, with another 459 million flying for business reasons. If you’re committed to a healthy lifestyle, however, travel can present several unique challenges – including the presence of re-circulated toxic air fumes within airplane cabins; impaired sleep, and (of course) the difficulty in finding fresh, organic food across the American landscape – which is dominated by highly-processed, junk food.
Discover the best strategies to stay healthy while traveling and protect your health. On the next NaturalHealth365 Talk Hour, Jonathan Landsman and Dr. John Ayo, a naturopathic doctor and author, talk about the best ways to maintain our physical and emotional well-being while traveling. We’ll reveal many practical tips for avoiding unwanted jet lag, sleep problems plus much more!
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Travel stress: Finding creative ways to avoid muscle stiffness and jet lag
Our quest to remain active – while on the road – can begin preflight. For example, once you have located the gate for departure, Dr. Ayo suggests reducing stress and warding off stiffness by walking briskly from one end of the terminal to the other with your bags. While walking, you can utilize carry-on bags and backpacks as makeshift weights, doing mini-curls as you go.
Dr. Ayo also recommends avoiding moving sidewalks, escalators and elevators whenever practical. Opt for the stairs in the airport, and – once you have arrived – your hotel. In addition, once you’re checked in, of course, you can take advantage of the fitness room inside most hotels.
By the way, if the hotel doesn’t offer a fitness area – you can always get a good yoga or tai chi workout video (online) and get moving within your hotel room. Having spent years traveling all over the world, Dr. Ayo is loaded with many great tips on how to stay healthy. Even if you don’t travel a lot, you won’t want to miss our next show – which is designed to inspire us to take better care of ourselves.
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Setting the stage for proper sleep is so important for good health
Avoid insomnia by correcting two of the largest contributors to poor-quality sleep: insufficient exposure to natural light by day, and excessive exposure to “blue light” from electronic devices at night. Experts say that spending the majority of the day in artificial light can cause “light deficiency,” which can make it difficult for your body to properly use melatonin, a known ‘sleep hormone.’
Making matters worse, night-time exposure to “blue light” – the light put out by TVs, laptops and smart phones will only make a good night’s sleep even more difficult. This type of light can trick your brain into thinking that it’s still daytime – thereby messing up your circadian rhythm.
Find out how to avoid health problems (while traveling) and come home feeling better than ever on the next NaturalHealth365 Talk Hour. Don’t miss this inspirational program.
This week’s guest: Dr. John Ayo, naturopathic doctor, author and health educator
Discover the best ways to avoid health problems while traveling – Sun. Jan. 22
Dr. John Ayo, naturopath, inspirational speaker and author of “Travel Balance,” has been researching mind/body/spirit topics for the past four decades. Dr. Ayo spent 27 years working for “Corporate America,” until medical issues in 1996 caused him to re-examine his priorities and embark upon a journey back to health.
After receiving his Doctorate in Naturopathy in 2006, Dr. Ayo now uses biofeedback, energy medicine, whole food supplements and essential oils to help patients reach optimal wellness.
About the author: Jonathan Landsman is the host of, the NaturalHealth365 Talk Hour – a free, weekly health show – and the NaturalHealth365 INNER CIRCLE, a monthly subscription to the brightest minds in natural health and healing.
Reaching hundreds of thousands of people, worldwide, as a personal health consultant, writer and radio talk show host, Jonathan has been educating the public on the health benefits of an organic, non-GMO diet along with high-quality supplementation and healthy lifestyle habits, including exercise and meditation.