Modified citrus pectin helps to reduce heavy metal toxicity by 74 percent, study says

(NaturalHealth365) As you probably know, we are surrounded by heavy metals in our environment. They are not only in paints, personal care products, vaccines and conventional dental fillings; but also in our food, water and air. Today, we’ll reveal how modified citrus pectin can help minimize the toxic burden.
Truth be told: virtually everyone carries a certain amount of toxic metals in their body. And, while Western medicine tends to downplay the risk, natural health experts insist that even low levels in the body can cause debilitating health effects.
Thankfully, research has shown that a dietary fiber – in the form of modified citrus pectin – can assist in (safely) eliminating these unwanted metals from the body.
Exposing the true danger linked to heavy metal exposure
Even when under the conventional threshold for toxicity, heavy metal accumulation can still harm your health by depleting stores of antioxidants and detoxifiers such as, superoxide dismutase and glutathione. Heavy metal toxicity not only contributes to chronic disease, but interferes with the body’s ability to recover from illnesses.
Three of the most common heavy metal culprits include mercury, lead and cadmium.
Mercury, a known neurotoxin, is found in fish such as swordfish and shark, as well as in “silver” dental fillings. The crazy part is: we know that mercury can seriously affect the nervous system, causing tremors, loss of coordination, muscular spasms and even death.
Pregnant and nursing women should be particularly vigilant in avoiding mercury exposure, as it can affect unborn children through polluted blood and breast milk.
This is why – now more than ever – we need to explore all the possible ways to naturally detoxify the body including, the use of modified citrus pectin.
A BIG warning about lead
Lead toxicity – one of the most common environmentally-related illnesses in children in the United States – can cause anemia, brain damage, behavioral changes, lowered IQ, anemia, seizures, coma and even death.
Some experts estimate that as many as 4 million households in the United States contain enough lead to put children at risk – with contaminated pipes and lead-based paints as the primary contributors.
In addition, cadmium – a known carcinogen – binds to red blood cells and interferes with metabolism of zinc. Found in soil, ocean water, batteries and cigarette smoke, cadmium can cause abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, kidney damage and decreased mineralization of bone.
Great NEWS: Modified citrus pectin binds to radioactive and toxic heavy metals
Modified citrus pectin (MCP) is a non-digestible, water-soluble polysaccharide fiber derived from the pulp and peel of citrus fruits. A natural chelating agent, MCP attaches to toxic metals such as mercury, lead, cadmium, aluminum and arsenic – causing them to be flushed from the body.
Researchers have long known of the detoxifying ability of conventional pectin, but the substance’s poor natural bioavailability has limited its practicality – until now. MCP has been structurally changed so that it is more accessible to the body.
More studies reveals how MCP can help to eliminate heavy metals from the body
In 2007, a German medical journal published case histories in which MCP reduced heavy metals in the bodies of a group of patients, by an average of 74 percent. The researchers noted that the gradual decrease of total body heavy metal burden was believed to have played an “important role” in each patient’s recovery.
In a study published in 2008 in Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, hospitalized children with blood levels of lead exceeding 20 micrograms per decaliter were given 15 grams of MCP a day. Both blood and urine levels were tested at the beginning of the study, and again at two weeks, three weeks and four weeks.
Researchers found that levels of lead in the blood decreased dramatically, while levels in urine increased – evidence that the lead was being eliminated.
Significantly, the MCP caused no adverse effects. Noting that children are “in urgent need of a safe and effective heavy metal chelating agent,” the team called for further studies to explore the use of MCP.
Research also points to the benefits of MCP chelation for apparently healthy individuals.
In a study published in Phytotherapy Research in 2006, researchers gave participants 15 grams of MCP. Within 24 hours, their urinary excretion of arsenic increased 130 percent. On day six, the participants experienced a 150 percent decrease in cadmium levels.
The team concluded that oral administration of MCP “significantly increases urinary excretion of toxic metals in individuals with a normal body load of metals.”
MCP shows promise in preventing cancer cell growth
Research suggests that modified citrus pectin can also stop the growth and metastasis of cancer cells. In an animal study published in 2002 in Journal of the National Cancer Institute, MCP inhibited galectin-3, a protein implicated in cancer progression – and suppressed growth of laboratory-induced tumors.
After being treated with MCP in drinking water, mice were injected with human breast carcinoma cells.
Researchers found that MCP inhibited angiogenesis – the ability of tumors to form blood vessel vital for their growth. In fact, the tumors from MCP-fed mice had one-third the number of blood vessels per unit area, when compared to mice that had not been given the pectin.
Researchers pointed out that the findings stressed the importance of dietary carbohydrate compounds as agents for the prevention and treatment of cancer.
In addition, studies have shown that MCP can lower cholesterol, potentially working to prevent therosclerosis and heart disease.
How should I take MCP for heavy metal exposure and cancer prevention?
The modified citrus pectin used in the studies is commercially available in a formulation called PectaSol. If it’s not possible to obtain this brand, experts recommend choosing a pectin formulation that has been specifically modified to make it more bioavailable.
The recommended amount of PectaSol for active cancer is 15 grams a day, in three divided doses. For heavy metal chelation of high body burden levels, 15 grams a day is advised – while lower levels can be treated with 15 grams a day for five days a month, followed by 5 grams a day for the remainder of the month.
Editor’s note: We want to make one thing perfectly clear – when dealing with a cancer diagnosis – always work with a qualified (trusted) medical professional. We never want to suggest that any one substance will be the ‘magic bullet.’ Treating cancer requires a multifactorial approach – involving changes to your life physically, mentally and emotionally.
Modified citrus pectin represents one of many options available to you. As always, we encourage you to do your own research and make an informed decision about your healthcare.
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