NH365 044: Probiotics – Improving digestion and the immune system naturally

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naturalhealth365 podcast(NaturalHealth365) Did you know that our body is made up of 90% bacteria cells and only ten percent human cells? In fact, our digestive system contains about three and a half pounds of bacteria – good, bad and changing, all the time. But, don’t worry these bacteria are essential for optimal health.

Today, on the NaturalHealth365 Podcast, I’ve invited an expert on probiotics that has a family experience with probiotics – second to none. With a 750-year history in cultured beneficial bacteria, the family of our guest produced legendary yogurt prized by the royal family of Yugoslavia and her development of the first revolutionary method of producing an effective and scientifically-validated single strain probiotic bacteria product led to the establishment of the entire probiotics category in North America, Australia, England, Holland and Belgium.

Links related to the show:

1. For more information about Natasha Trenev – visit: NatashaTrenev.com

2. Listen to this show and learn about Natasha’s special offer for listeners to try her products – here: TryNatren.com

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Professional advice on how to improve the immune system naturally, by Natasha Trenev

Natasha is an expert on probiotics and has shared her knowledge with many through books, journal articles and articles in major scientific, peer-reviewed publications. She is currently working on additional books in the series of Probiotic Health Guides to continue her quest to educate the public.

She is also working on her most scholarly yet easy-to-read book, which she hopes will become the global “probiotics bible.”

Some of Natasha’s publications include:

  • The first Probiotic Health Guide titled The Power of Probiotics: Secrets to Great Health in 2006
  • The definitive book on probiotics in 1998, Probiotics, Nature’s Internal Healers
  • The first authoritative, pioneering book in the field of probiotics in 1990, Probiotics: How Live Yogurt and Other ‘Beneficial Bacteria’ Can Restore Health and Vitality

As a developmental scientist, microbiology is Natasha’s passion. Making the best probiotic bacteria supplements in the world for people to get healthy and stay healthy, is her way of serving humanity.

For more than 35 years Natasha has been acquiring knowledge and transferring that expert learning into new products and technology. Having the knowledge alone is never sufficient. It is transforming knowledge into products by applying scientific research to production technology, then implementing strict quality standards, that ultimately gets the product to market and distinguishes Natasha as the probiotic innovator and entrepreneur.

A member of the American Society of Microbiology, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Institute of Food Technologists, Anaerobe Society of the Americas and American Dairy Science Association, Natasha is well equipped to stay way ahead of science.

Some of Natasha Trenev’s accomplishments include:

  • Introduced the previously unknown category of probiotics to the North American health food industry and dietary supplement industry
  • Authored the Dairy Standards for liquid yogurt adopted by the California Department of Agriculture in 1969
  • Established perishable sections in the health food stores across the nation from 1970-73 to sell yogurt
  • Assisted in establishing perishable distributors nationwide to sell yogurt
  • Worked with the Vice President of United Airlines to establish user friendly rates to ship perishables cross country by air in 1971
  • Authored Probiotic Standards adopted by the National Nutritional Foods Association in July of 1989
  • Established the National Standards for Probiotics read into The Congressional Record in 1995
  • Committed 25 years to convince retailers to sell probiotics in refrigerated sections of stores
  • Invested 25 years educating the public, professionals, doctors and scientists that probiotics are the most important health concept of the 21st Century.

For more information about Natasha Trenev – visit: NatashaTrenev.com or you can call her company at 1-800-536-4833 and speak to a consultant about their products.

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