NH365 106: Weight loss success – Going beyond calorie counting to improve your metabolism

(NaturalHealth365) The cost of weight loss is astronomical. In fact, estimates run well over $60 billion per year and those expenses are only within the United States – with diet drinks, weight loss centers, medical plans, health club memberships and bariatric surgery making up the vast amount of the cost.
But, is it really a long-term, practical solution for everyone? And, more importantly, is there a better way to improve our metabolism – without the need for extreme dieting, crazy exercise routines or unhealthy starvation tactics?
Don’t be fooled by bad weight loss ‘advice’
Today, on the NaturalHealth365 Podcast, we’ll talk to a dietician that uncovers many of the most common myths related to weight loss and, at the end of the show, she’ll share her #1 tip for improving our metabolism and chances for success with regard to weight loss goals.
Links related to this podcast:
For more information about Cassie Bjork – visit: DietitianCassie.com
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Podcast highlights include:
- The most common issues people face when trying eat better for weight loss.
- How does Dietitian Cassie help people overcome weight loss issues?
- The most common eating myths believed to be true.
- Why it’s NOT just about the food or calorie counting.
- How does attitude influence our success in losing weight?
- Is support really necessary to lose weight?
- The #1 action step – that will help improve your metabolism.
- Plus, much more!
About ‘Dietitian Cassie’ Bjork
Through the many twists and turns of my life, Carey came to the realization that she wanted to give back in an impactful and joyous way. Over the years, Carey believed life was driven by the whim of circumstance; loves found and lost, triumphs, health scares, births and deaths. Carey quietly wished for a sense of peace and balance behind the smile that said she could handle anything that came her way.
The desire for inner peace remained with her, and right around her 40th birthday she caught a beautiful glimpse of clarity over a cup of hot chocolate in a Paris cafe. Carey sometimes wondered if it was the tryptophan, but that clarity grew even after the chocolate high wore off.
It grew through being part of a compassionate community, inspiring books and speakers, holistic healing experiences and learning to be present, patient and appreciative of each moment.
Over the past few years, physical and emotional disappointments and setbacks became her most valuable learning opportunities. Health became a choice and a lifestyle. Carey wanted to invite people to walk this journey with her. Would it be possible to create a place that supported and nurtured lasting wellness by integrating healing, learning, compassion, community and a sense of coming home? The answer became clear to her, and Tournesol was born.