The most powerful way to reduce inflammation and slow aging

The most powerful way to reduce inflammation and slow aging
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(NaturalHealth365) What if I told you to reduce overall calorie intake, – which would help you to slow down the aging process and reduce inflammation – would you do it?  Let’s face it many of us fear that aging process, because age is associated with deteriorated health, so finding any way to slow aging is welcomed news.

Here’s the thing, with so many new revelations around things that can be done to halt the aging process and ways that you can live a longer and more vibrant life there is no need to fear the aging process.  One of the most effective ways to add years to your life, and reduce inflammation is through calorie restriction.

A simple way to avoid the risk of inflammation

30 million American adults are consuming more calories than their bodies need. That’s a massive amount of people overeating at nearly every meal. The sad reality is that this country is overfed but highly undernourished.

Even those who look healthy and thin on the outside may be taking in more calories than their bodies need, and pay the price for their mistake.

Mayo Clinic’s heart researchers reveal that there are numerous different health conditions that are caused by consuming too many calories than the body needs. The study showed that too many calories can lead to diseases such as arthritis, cancer, dementia, and atherosclerosis – which are all conditions associated with aging.  Other startling findings in this particular study showed that excess calories caused high blood pressure particularly in men, and the risk of cardiac death doubled for women.

What does this mean for you? This means that taking control of your calorie intake is an essential part of reducing inflammation, preventing disease, and preventing the negative aspects of aging.

Everyone can access the ‘new’ fountain of youth

If you want to know the secret to living a longer and healthy life, the answer is likely within reach, and almost always has to do with your dietary and lifestyle choices. Here is a research study that proves that how much food you put in your body determines the outcome of your levels of chronic inflammation.

A research study was conducted at the Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University, where researchers revealed that restricting calories by 25% in non-obese healthy individuals over a period of two years can drastically reduce markers of chronic inflammation. It’s important to know that the study was based around individuals who also maintained the necessary intake of protein, vitamins, and minerals.

This is a huge revelation especially since inflammatory diseases are on the rise, and are causing premature death.

Calorie restriction may also prove to be beneficial because too many Americans are overeating, and particularly the wrong types of foods. By moderately reducing your calorie intake and focusing on quality food intake you will be doing your body a favor and adding years of quality life to your lifespan.

Calorie restriction does NOT mean starvation

While these studies are promising, and calorie restriction has been proven to be one of the most effective ways to slow aging you want to make sure you are doing this the healthy way. If you do this the right way, you can slow the aging process, reduce disease, and kick start an anti-aging system living within your body!

The key to this is making sure that you are still receiving high quality, optimal nutrition at adequate amounts for proper body function. Restricting your calories can be difficult, but don’t worry because even slight modifications in your overall calorie intake has proven to have significant health benefits as well.

If you find it to be difficult to restrict your calories, research has shown that there are a certain group of nutrients that are classified as “calorie restriction mimetics.” These mimetics mimic the anti-aging effects of calorie restriction. These nutrients can be added into your diet for an added boost.

Some of these nutrients include resveratrol which is commonly found in grapes, blueberries, and cocoa.  Quercetin which is abundant in many fruits and vegetables and is even available in certain supplements, and whey protein – which holds its own slew of anti-aging benefits.

To reduce inflammation and slow aging, start by making small changes in your diet. Removing processed and toxic foods is an excellent place to start, as these foods are typically loaded with excess calories. Focusing on a whole foods clean diet will help regulate hunger hormones, promote satiety and help you naturally reduce your calorie intake while nourishing your body at the same time.


Consuming too many calories may be damaging your health

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