Vitamin C eradicates sudden infant death syndrome

(NaturalHealth365) For generations, the medical profession has told grieving parents that the sudden death of their infant was simply unexplainable and vastly unpreventable. Told there was nothing that could have been done to avoid the tragedy, new parents were left with empty hearts and empty answers.
Sadly, between 2,500 and 4,500 infants in the U.S. fall victim each year to sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). But, discoveries made decades ago may provide the clues that modern medicine, for all its advances, has chosen to ignore: Something as attainable as vitamin C could save many lives.
Medical doctors: Saving lives with vitamin C
Dr. Archie Kalokerinos, a family physician, virtually eliminated infant mortality among patients in New South Wales, Australia, after moving his practice there in 1967. But few have heard of Dr. Kalokerinos and his discovery that ascorbic acid, commonly referred to as vitamin C, can eliminate SIDS. That’s because his findings were repeatedly rejected by medical journals.
Likewise, few know of the works of Dr. Frederick R. Klenner, who also used ascorbic acid to banish infant mortality among hundreds of births from the late 1940s through the 1970s. In both cases, the broader medical community was unreceptive to what these men saw firsthand in their practices.
Yet, both men came to the same conclusion: Sudden infant death syndrome comes about because of a deficiency of ascorbate, also known as vitamin C. On the other hand, supplementing with enough vitamin C can prevent the ‘unpreventable,’ and likely save the lives of thousands of infants.
In 1978, Dr. Irwin Stone, himself a pioneer in vitamin C research, reported that SIDS was in fact, a result of chronic subclinical scurvy or vitamin C deficiency.
Are you getting adequate levels of vitamin C?
Ascorbate, commonly called vitamin C, is known to be an essential nutrient for good health and is involved in dozens of metabolic processes. It is critical for everything from tissue repair to recycling of cholesterol. It is involved in neutralization of free radicals and toxins. Vitamin C is also known to play a critical role in the building of antibodies and white blood cells.
To prevent SIDS in the people of New South Wales, Dr. Kalokerinos urged parents to administer 100 mg of ascorbic acid daily per month up to age 10 months, in quantities of 100 mg per day the first month, 200 mg per day the second month, and so on. Beginning at 11 months of age, he advised children receive 1 g daily for each year of age up to 10 years, at which point he recommended 10 grams daily for the rest of life to reap the many benefits of adequate vitamin C.
If an infant or child is ill or stressed by events like immunizations, then additional supplementation is required. A sufficient level can be found by supplementing to the point that the vitamin causes harmless diarrhea, then dosing to a threshold that avoids diarrhea.
Try administering up to 100-200 mg per 10 lbs. of body weight for each individual dose, up to 5 doses per day, checking for bowel tolerance. For optimal health benefits, the need for vitamin C should be addressed before birth.
And, of course, to protect unborn babies in the womb, pregnant women are urged to take vitamin C by using the formula of 200 mg per 10 lbs of body weight, or about 3000-4000 mg per day.
For more information about vitamin C – take a look at the ‘multi-C protocol’, described by Thomas E. Levy, M.D., JD