Amyloid plaque exposed: The true story behind Alzheimer’s disease

(NaturalHealth365) Today, we reveal the true nature of amyloid plaque and its connection to Alzheimer’s disease. It is estimated that as many as 5.1 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s disease – with millions more suffering from some form of dementia or cognitive impairment. With so many losing their memories, and their minds, to this cruel and insidious disease, researchers are scrambling to identify the true cause or causes – in order to better understand how to treat the condition.
Now, a leading expert has come forward to question a central hypothesis regarding the development of the disease – and to assert that, when it comes to ascertaining the cause of Alzheimer’s, mainstream medicine may be on the wrong track.
Have researchers and big pharma been chasing a ‘red herring?’
According to Thomas J. Lewis, PhD – the CEO and founder of RealHealth Clinics, and developer of cutting-edge therapeutics for Alzheimer’s disease – the “biggest myth” surrounding Alzheimer’s disease is that it is caused by amyloid plaque buildup in the brain.
According to accepted medical wisdom on Alzheimer’s disease, a protein fragment known as beta-amyloid strongly contributes to the condition by clumping into deposits of plaque, which lead to destroyed synapses and nerve cell death – and a parallel deterioration of brain function.
Although this “amyloid cascade” hypothesis is the central tenet of studies on the development of the disease – and the subject of virtually all research on Alzheimer’s – Dr. Lewis remains unconvinced.
Speaking at the Alzheimer’s and Dementia Summit, Dr. Lewis noted that autopsies have shown that some Alzheimer’s disease patients have virtually no amyloid plaque in their brains. If amyloid plaque were causative, challenges Dr. Lewis, wouldn’t it be present?
Conversely, autopsies of some individuals who were free of completely free of Alzheimer’s disease when they died show the undeniable presence of the plaque.
A study conducted at Harvard Medical School showed that beta amyloid is part of a normal immune response, notes Dr. Lewis. And, it is entirely possible that – rather than causing Alzheimer’s disease – amyloid deposits may actually play a beneficial and protective role.
Alzheimer’s myth exposed: Listen now to these remarkable facts presented by Dr. Lewis – in an exclusive interview done by Jonathan Landsman, host of NaturalHealth365
Why does medical research continue to focus on amyloid plaque?
The answer is simple – and financial – says Dr. Lewis. Big pharma funds the research on the amyloid hypothesis, and they are “driving the bus.” The National Institutes of Health has funded $100 million for Alzheimer’s research – mainly focused on the role of beta-amyloid proteins in the disease.
As for researchers who question the conventional view of the role of amyloid plaque in Alzheimer’s disease? They may see an abrupt end to their funding, Dr. Lewis states.
This, in spite of the fact that several pharmaceutical companies – GlaxoSmithKline and Johnson and Johnson, to name two – have already performed trials with anti-amyloid drugs, and met with ‘complete failure.’
Studies on the use of anti-amyloid drugs for patients with milder forms of dementia and cognitive impairment also failed resoundingly, reports Dr. Lewis – who maintains that, in a desperate bid to make it appear that the medications work, drug companies are now recruiting healthy volunteers for studies.
Alzheimer’s disease is actually multi-factorial
Alzheimer’s disease is a complex condition that can be triggered by many different factors. Yet inflammation, says Dr. Lewis, is always present. To understand more about why people develop Alzheimer’s disease, Dr. Lewis recommends looking to the various causes of inflammation, which can include environmental toxins, stress, poor nutrition, lack of sleep and bacterial and viral infections.
After all, even patients living with milder forms of dementia and cognitive impairment rarely inhabit robust, healthy bodies. Most have overlapping conditions – such as cardiovascular disease, obesity or diabetes. To combat Alzheimer’s disease, it is necessary to develop an understanding of what the underlying causes of these diseases are.
Discover the best strategies to prevent and REVERSE Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia – click here to gain INSTANT access to the Alzheimer’s and Dementia Summit today.
You can prevent, treat and even reverse Alzheimer’s disease naturally
The good news: compelling scientific evidence shows that with proper lifestyle changes, Alzheimer’s disease can be prevented, stopped, slowed and even reversed.
The groundbreaking Framingham Heart Study – first undertaken in 1948 – showed that nearly 50 percent of cases of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia could be prevented with simple lifestyle and dietary changes. For instance, researchers found that improvements in indicators of cardiovascular health – such as lowering blood pressure – were reflected by a lower incidence of dementia.
And, the prestigious Harvard Medical School recently reported that improving immune system health can slow down – and even stop – the progression of brain disorders.
More natural help for Alzheimer’s disease awaits
Researchers have found that apigenin, a flavonoid found in many vegetables and herbs, has a positive impact on memory and learning. Not only that, it improves neuron formation and function, while strengthening the connections among brain cells. You can increase your intake of apigenin by eating parsley, thyme, chamomile, celery, carrots and citrus fruits.
There is strong scientific evidence that coconut oil, rich in medium-chain triglycerides, can improve memory and even reverse Alzheimer’s disease. Coconut oil is particularly beneficial because it is metabolized in the liver and turned into ketones, which are then used as an alternative fuel source for the brain – rather than being stored as fat in the body.
In addition, fresh (organic) blueberries contain beneficial anthocyanins that can help restore cognitive function by enhancing signaling and increasing the sensitivity of receptors in brain cells.
Finally, healthy levels of vitamin D may help protect against Alzheimer’s disease. In a study by the University of Exeter Medical School, participants 65 and older who were severely deficient in vitamin D were a whopping 125 times more likely to suffer from some form of dementia. Good sources of vitamin D include fatty cold-water fish or fish oil, grass-fed dairy products, mushrooms and egg yolks.
Discover the best strategies to prevent and REVERSE Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia – click here to gain INSTANT access to the Alzheimer’s and Dementia Summit today.
Plant compound found in herbs can help treat depression, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease